If you know me at all, you know that I hate, abhor, loathe, despise mushrooms. Cannot stand them and actively avoid eating them. So on Monday when I noticed the Tre Funghi (or as I (mis?)translated it, Triple Mushroom) pasta on the menu at Daddyo's near Rotman, I knew I was going to have to come back and have this be my week 6 'thing'.
I headed over to DaddyOs on Friday. They have good, if a bit "overpriced for everyday lunching" pasta.
Ordered my pasta and some liquid courage (when beer selection is shitty, the answer is always Coors Light).
And here's the "delicious" looking pasta.
And here's a video of the beginning of my experience.
I finished it, I swear! No digital trickery was employed in the creation of the following image.
Rob has a brilliant idea - a post-interview. Here it is.
Later that day, in the middle of a meeting with my project team, I had a very upset stomach and spent about half an hour in the washroom. I guess I'm not used to digesting funghi. Sorry, but I did not take pictures of that experience.
And with that, Week 6 was a success! I already have some ideas of options for next week, even though it's getting dangerously close to exam week and is actually 'papers-due' week. I'll try to make sure to have time to devote to this, though.
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