Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 11: preview of a death-defying stunt!

I know some readers of this relish the idea of watching me in pain. For example, I got several in-person commendations about my mushroom-eating video. This week, instead of reviewing Super Mario Galaxy 2 like everyone and their grandmother have done in the last week, I will up the 'pain' ante at our Saturday night improv show at Anime North.

As part of The 404s Improv Comedy, this weekend we're performing 4 shows at Anime North, Canada's largest fan-run anime convention. When I say large I mean, over 12,000 people's worth of traffic over the 3 days of the weekend (Friday night to Sunday afternoon).

But what does this have to do with pain? Well, for the first time for our group in Toronto, we will be playing a game called Mouse Trap. The idea is: two improvisers perform a usual scene, but barefoot and blindfolded. And on a stage filled with MOUSETRAPS, ARMED and READY TO SNAP. So of course I saw this as the perfect opportunity for me to do something fun, get hurt, and blog about it in the process.

Will there be video? You had better believe it!

And if I just gave away confidential information, to the 2 or 3 of you who read this blog AND are going to Anime North AND aren't part of The 404s...shhhhhhhhhh, keep this info on the down low.

Oh, I'm also hosting an anime-themed game of Family Feud, which should be fun seeing as I've never watched the show and have no idea how the structure goes. Also I don't know much about anime anymore.

Edit: Apparently, turns out we have no mousetraps anymore and won't be doing the game. So, host a gameshow will have to do. Not quite as death-defying, but I'm sure it will be painful (for the viewers at least), and I definitely won't have time to figure something else out as I'll be busy all weekend. But I'll try.

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